Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Bored. School Stories.

I am sitting in my mom's office on the computer blogging. It's either this or studying for a test. I studied for like 10 minutes and stopped cause I remembered that I could do this. I'm REALLY bored and don't know what to write bout. So I'm writing about this. I wish I had a good story to tell but I really don't. I'll just tell you about my school day...
School was pretty boring. We started out the moring with substitutes. UGHH. Hate em. But my substitute (sub for short) was really awesome. Too bad I had to switch classes and get a new one. Odds turned out the sub was okay but not the best. Next I went to math. My sub was REALLY bad.  Finally Mrs. Abbott came back and the whole class said "Yay Mrs. Abbott is back!" If I were the sub I would feel pretty much like a complete fail.  When I went to reading, Mrs. Walter was there and we did some reading and a grammar lesson.
Finally! Recess time! Well everytime I go outside I play basketball with my friends. Some friends don't like playing it so they just don't play with me at all. Whatevs though. Idc. Then it started raining! So we went inside for 10 minutes for an indoor recess. I did my spelling homework. My friends call me a GG. Whatever.
When recess was over, we went to lunch same old same old. Connor and Bryce sit with us... Oh and today Lucas even did!!! Another wawesome! (weird and awesome)
Then back to reading... same
Then special... watching people play their recorder assesments... which I got a 33/35 on with Ally.
That was my day hope you enjoyed it!


1 comment:

  1. what does GG mean? why do your friends call ya that?? (this is kate chesser by the way!)
